Friday, January 29, 2016

Tute 3(multimedia system)

BSc (Hones) in Information Technology Specialized in Interactive Media
Batch 2016

Multimedia Systems
Tute 3

IT 14115394
     1)     Discuss the difference between bitmap and vector graphics.
a.      Describe five different graphic elements you might use in a project, for example, the background, buttons, icons, or text.
b. Would you use a vector tool or a bitmap tool for each element? Why?

*      Raster Geaphic is good for Background. All background deatails elements              have a different Colors. So Raster graphic is usefull to Background
*      Button is not a complex graphic one .There re use vector graphics. Buttons mostly use in Applications and website. vector graphics is small file size. That the reason to most useful to add website and application
*      Icons are made with less details to user. Icon doesn’t  won’t  use raster graphic
*      Text has low graphic elements. When There vector graphic  using banor. So it will not pixelate . but text is very clearly
       2)     You are assigned to create an interface that will look good across platforms.
a.      What is the difference between images as shown on a Macintosh and PC? How would you deal with this problem?
*      There are 2 different color pallet. There for it is display different color in between two of these OS. Macintosh shown colorful images. But windows has no colorful images.

       3)     List several simple geometric shapes.
a.      If you have a 3-D modeling program available, using these shapes, extrude or lathe them to create various objects, such as a teapot, a tree, a car, a table, or a lamp.
*      A Tree – Cylinder & Sphere
*      Table – Cube and Cylinder
*      Tea Pot - Sphere
*      Car – Cube and Cylinder
*      Lamp – Cube, Sphere and cylinder

b. Think of some other objects. How would you use the simple geometric shapes (called “primitives” ) to create the 3-D object?
*      We can use Nurbs and Polygons to Model 3D objects and we can edit them using vertex,faces and Edge s. Edit means reshape the simple geometric shape into required shape. We can use cylinder to create  Bat or anything if u like.
      4)     You are a designer given the task of creating a web site for a new division of your company.
a.      Start by defining the characteristics of the customers of the company and the kind of image the company wishes to present to its customers.
*      Customer may come to purchase by paying, viewing or purchase with the paying
b.      Then specify a color palette to be used for the design of the site.
Web Safe Colors
c.       Defend your color choices by discussing the associations people have with the colors and how they relate to your customers and the company’s image.

If this is an Entertainment site, Site shoud be very creative and user friendly to users. Site should have images and latest news. 

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